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We’re Back; What The Heck Has Happened?

Writer's picture: Tony - The TDL Times EditorTony - The TDL Times Editor

After a 2 and a half week break it is good to be back behind the keyboard…to see assassinations, murders, riots and the abuse of Christianity. Well… time to put on our big person pants and let’s have a rundown of what the f%!k has been going on. We’ve been looking behind our hands here. Times are interesting.

Firstly, the Donald Trump attempted assassination. Well if you don’t believe in some sort of divine being then this has to be a difficult one to explain. How one can slightly shift their head to the side and in doing so stay alive, well it’s up there with the miracles of the modern age. Whatever your views are of Donald Trump, you have to say that no one deserves to die whose crime is offending a small group of people in America (relative to the term ‘offence’ to the level that equates Trump with, disgustingly, Hitler). Whatever your view of Trump, the assassination of a presidential candidate obviously leading the pushback against the radicalism of the ultra-progressive left, now led by Kamala Harris, would have made the situation intolerable. A murdered Trump would equal a kind of civil war in perhaps all but name, with law and order breaking down, a fundamental breakdown of respect for authority in the land and with social media very much alive and well a civil war could have genuinely started. Trump’s survival is survival of the American project and the maintenance of the American world order (which is FAR better than one offered by China or Russia). Trump’s survival is a godsend for those who value peace and the peaceful transition of power; more on this later.

As for who did it. It looks ridiculously fishy. Secret Service detail are usually so thorough that you could probably be entering the most secure location in the entire world when going to a rally for a presidential candidate, let alone being 200 yards from the most powerful man in the world (the president). The backlash that resulted in the head of the Secret Service; a Joe Biden appointee, cannot and should not be the end of the matter. The frankly ridiculous excuses (a slopey roof, a lack of resources, view obscured by a tree, the need for clearance before shooting) and the dismal excuses (and lack of excuses) from the head of the Secret Service point to something that can be very, very sinister. Was this just a freak accident or was it a potential Reichstag moment? Was this a gentle nudging of a crazy person from shady individuals seeing the writing on the wall? All we know is that Joe Biden withdrew from the race a week or two later… because the assassination was unsuccessful? Imagine if Trump died. Biden brings the US together in a moment of solidarity. It buys him another term. It’s insane, isn’t it. Isn’t it? All we can say is that this incident has no other credible genus, no understandable cause. The assassin was seen a full 10 minutes before the attempted assassination by people and by police and they did nothing. We still have no ‘motive’ or smoking gun of a cause. What the heck is going on? Also, notice how no one’s talking about it now. Elon Musk, the tech giant and Tesla owner, showed how even Google is trying to cover it up to try to make people forget. Arrows point to something sinister. America is in peril.

Kamala Harris replaces Biden in the race. She’s apparently going to win. No, no she isn’t. She’s only the candidate because she’s a black woman (before you sharpen your pitchfork, Biden himself stated he wanted a woman as VP and stated it publicaly, and even suggested someone black was the best idea) and imagine the optics if the Democrats replaced her with someone with national support amongst Democrats like the white man Gavin Newsom. The Democrats played the Diversity game and they will probably die by it. Donald Trump is going to win the Presidency. Kamala Harris is the worst candidate who has never been voted in for anything above the Senate. She’s only the candidate because she was there as well as the money. The revolting eulogising by the media saying she’s great just looks weird. But these were the same people who stated repeatedly that Joe Biden was fit to be President, and then backtracked. Little tip; stop listening to them. They have no idea. If someone tells you it’s raining and someone else tells you it’s not don’t spend forever agonising over who is right; look out of the damn window! Kamala Harris has no legacy as a Senator; her own sponsored bill was to build a statue. She’s a paid-up member of the Woke brigade with views far to the ultra-progressive left. And in this era of a new Cold War Americans will NOT pick a cackling word-salad unburdened diversity choice to represent them and the west on the world stage. Kamala Harris is as inneffective as she was as the ‘border czar’ where under her tutelage illegal border crossings into the US reached 3 million in 4 years; a record. She incarcerated thousands of African-Americans as the Attourney of California on drugs charges and then boasted she had taken drugs herself. Trump survived an assassination, no new wars were started under Trump and it is clear to MILLIONS of people that Trump would not have pulled out of Afghanistan in such an embarrassing way that almost directly led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Trump in the White House will make the West stronger against the challengers to US hegemony. The challenge is coming soon, sooner than you think. Americans have a duty to pick the President ready to take that on. It will NOT be Kamala Harris, by a long shot (her approval ratings are record-breakingly bad). Trump will win in November.

Closer to home, it’s been revolting. The ‘protests’ in Harehills involving largely ethnic minority civilians from Leeds were a cause for concern for the Labour government in terms of trying to maintain community cohesion. A ‘riot’ in Southport after the murder of 3 young girls (yeah, we don’t know the damn difference between a ‘riot’ and a ‘protest’ yet the press are ready to use different words) was met with CONDEMNATION and a new police task force to investigate the riots. Be in no doubt, especially with the arrest numbers; this is two-tiered policing at its finest. Police running away from the riots in Harehills and barely an arrest, arresting people almost randomly (including a news presenter covering the riots, a woman with a pacemaker and a rather old man in a city far away from the riots because…why not) all over England in relation to the Southport riots. It’s hard to watch. But be in no doubt it is basically two-tier response from the authorities; it has to be. They have to respond differently. This is the result of the politics of multi-culturalism. We police by consent and it’s clear that authorities see migrants and ethnic minorities (and…the left???) as not giving their consent to policing because…whatever. So police have to act differently like not telling, not being in riot gear and running away if needed. A British civilian is being policed by consent and so everything is on the table.

Also, before people say ‘stop politicising a sad event’ please remember this. The suspect in question is a second generation migrant that has clearly not been assimilated in any way. If he was he would not have considered harming his fellow civilians of Britain. So warped was this boy (a man in 3 days at the time of writing) into being disconnected with society he saw the murder (not killing, not stabbing, MURDER) of innocent children as acceptable because he was not assimilated. This is a result of mass immigration making assimilation impossible (instead, we have ghettoisation all over the country). He was born in Cardiff but his allegiance was clearly not with Britain and it’s people AND CHILDREN, but to something else that makes killing kids ok. He didn’t assimilate, and assimilation is impossible in a society of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a political choice (voted for by nobody by the way) and so this event IS political. Thus, people demand the truth, demand results and demand that this never happens again.

People can be forgiven for thinking this will never happen. Machete attacks happened in Southend since, in Hemel Hampstead and have we already forgotten the stabbing of a serviceman in Kent a couple of weeks ago? For goodness sake, law and order has broken down. The streets of the UK are awash with terrorism. Terrorism, NOT mental health. Saying it’s due to mental health is an Orwellian way of saying ‘this person didn’t see the light of enlightened liberal views and was clearly not mentally well’. This is the stuff of the Soviet Union! This is thr stuff of dictatorships. Saying it’s because of mental health simply removes any desire to look at the ACTUAL cause of these terrorist attacks so nothing gets done about this. It’s maddening to see the phrase ‘mental health’ because it places the blame on the individual’s thinking, not the environment that allowed that thinking to not only materialise but allow action to be taken. This is all political, and the British people, servicemen, children, are the victims.

You have a right to be angry. You have a right to know the answers. Don’t let them (the political and legal authorities) brush this under the carpet with ‘don’t look back in anger’ slogans that are pre-prepared. Don’t let them gaslight you by saying it’s got nothing to do with multiculturalism failing and the illiberal liberal experiment being in its death-roes. Don’t riot. Don’t attack the police. But demand answers.

Lastly, we have the Olympics and the mess that it is. The mocking of Christianity with the Last Supper (we actually felt sick watching it, properly sick), the allowing of two men previously barred from boxing to be able to compete in the female boxing category and the booing of British competitors is souring what should be a celebration of sport. Trust the French to mess it up a bit. But, eh, we like the Olympics. We love the stories of individual competitors and we love when an athelete from an obscure little country making history for them and their nation is revealed to us in an obscure sport. We say to all those who were offended by the opening ceremony; just laugh. The weird ultra-progressives who think a bearded woman and an exposed testicle is fine are trying to wind you up. Deride them. Laugh at them. They want the anger so you try to take them seriously. Sorry, we don’t. We really really don’t. It’s sad, don’t get us wrong, that people obviously going through an identity crisis brought on by the rampant dogma of the trans-ideology are dragged (pardon the pun) out in front of the world to do a thing. But don’t give it any energy; it’s what the weird people want. Just laugh and get on with your life.

We will have a deeper dive into the mess that is the Labour Party another day. For now enjoy the rest of the heat and the rest of your day. If you think the world is going mad it’s not. It already has been mad, it’s just the events are a bit more obvious now. We’ve seen mad things happen on a day-to-day level but now it’s being televised. It’l either stop or get worse. Either way we’ll miss these times because they were more interesting or less..destructive.

Keep calm, carry on.

This article first appeared on the TDL Times. For more information, articles and more please visit


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