It has been an incredibly difficult ordeal to watch the state of the nation. Britain has entered a new phase of authoritarianism that has not been seen in peacetime and not since the absolute rule of the monarchy. In this article we will show you the evidence that has led to authoritarianism and how to see it in action on a daily basis.
As always a disclaimer. The TDL Times does not support violence of any kind and destruction of property or the harm of people should never be tolerated and the force of law should apply to all where it is necessary with regards to this.
As always, we have to see the rise of authoritarianism in its roots; when democracy was eroded. Whilst it is fair to say that Margaret Thatcher had a mild hand in the rise with regards to the proffessionalisation of the political class, the real spiritual founder is Tony Blair. Tony Blair deliberately undermined democracy in this country with devolution, the establishment of the Supreme Court and the Equality Act along with many other aspects. Why? We are all represented in Westminster. Each one of us is equally represented by a member of Parliament as well as the sovereign (the king) being the representative of the nation, with the House of Lords representing the law, religion and experts. So long as this fundamental link was maintained we can firmly say all are equal politically, lawfully and legally. Tony Blair removed the incredibly important link between the people and the governors with devolution, blurring the lines between the governors and who they are actually accountable too (e.g. Scottish people have two legislative representatives who can both deny responsibility). Democracy was replaced, slowly, with an increasing bureaucracy from the civil service and more importantly with lawyers. The Supreme Court, that idiotic invention that has no place in a unitary system with a constitution as big and as changeable as a sandcastle, imposed the rule of lawyers in our political system. The privatisation of the Bank of England, the removal of the Lord Chancellor, the establishment of Quangos like the Office for Budget Responsibility or the incredibly powerful Climate Change Committee have deliberately taken power and accountability away from the people and given to experts with no idea of a bigger picture nor do they take any interest in the national view.
With the erosion of democracy and the establishment of a ‘governing class’ of people with no need to discuss things with the people, the politicians became less and less capable and reflecting more the result of this erosion of democracy. They became more radical, more alien to their voters, less likely to talk to their voters and they stopped reflecting the views of their voters. This culminated in Brexit where around 80% of MPs voted/campaigned for remain whilst a majority of the country voted to leave. Politicians became less able to talk to their voters, to campaign in public and they retreated into the party they were a part of. No longer could your MP be seen as a man or woman of the people. They were party people first and foremost.
The Labour and Tories then began agreeing on some absolute fundamentals which were still being debated by the people; climate change, Trans rights, racial quotas, woke, multiculturalism, mass migration, all of these issues created solutions so at home in both major parties despite their lack of popularity in the public. The two major parties agreed so much that the leaders began reflecting this. Cameron, May, Sunak and even Boris Johnson agreed on so many aspects of the social revolution coming from the top. The radical progressives were allowed to carry on because the political class agreed with it.
After some time, the corporatisation of the British and global economy began jumping on this bandwagon too. After the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement spooked the corporations the way to distract or to show a bending of the knee to these people was to engage in the woke aspects, showing social allegiances, seeing that the politicians were stepping in harmony with this. The corporate class were helped in their social conversion by the intellectual class as institutions previously seen as referees of arguments suddenly took sides themselves; the schools and universities. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion became an industry in itself and a way of maintaining high turnovers because corporate and institutional success became less about outcome (cheap, good quality products or services) and more about identity. Who cares if people are getting worse outcomes in the NHS if the NHS is hiring more people from minorities.
Last but by no means least were the media. With the erosion of independent media in local and regional aspects, the media giants joined the corporate initiative to put outcome quality aside in favour of identity within (and when we say identity we mean racial and sexual, NOT belief diversity). The media no longer needed to provide balanced or intellectual viewpoints because much like universities the media believed that progress had moved on from debate to message-support (that message being identity politics good, democracy and diversity of opinion bad). The media no longer reflected their viewers and readers, they wanted to LEAD their viewers and readers. Truth didn’t matter. Scrutiny didn’t matter. The outcome quality didn’t matter; promoting the message mattered.
How do you do all of this effectively from politician to media producer to CEO? It is the tool with which authoritarianism thrives; language. Change the language. Suddenly words that previously made sense no longer do (like what a woman is). Suddenly prejoritve words can be attributed to anyone (like racist or fascist). Suddenly democracy means getting the right outcome for committees rather than for the people. The people don’t matter and neither does the truth if it goes against the narrative. Tolerance now means not tollerating dissent. Equality now means removing opportunities for the majority in favour of the minority. And what’s the dirty word that they use to describe those who still hold on to the notion of democracy and the involvement of people in politics, society and life from a national or conventional point of view? Populists.
Populism means democrat; one is from the Greek, the other is from the Latin.
And so the state, the media and the corporate class have removed themselves from the people to the point that they now despise the people and goades them into antagonism. “Racists not welcome here”, “this is a safe place for LGBT+” and other slogans are really signs showing that this place hates the public. Adverts, TV shows and films that promote a race/sex-based message are really messages saying that your world, the world of the average man and woman, is wrong and they are right. The state has the police, the corporate class have cancellation and de-banking, the media suppress voices and the educational establishments denigrate the nation and deplatform.
We voted for none of this. This, therefore, is authoritarianism. This is the elite dragging us kicking and screaming into the new world order where freedom of speech is sacrificed because of ‘hate speech’ and truth and science is sacrificed because of sensitivities. George Orwell saw this coming and history repeats itself:
“The further a society shifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it”.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears, It was their final, most essential command. And if all others acccepted the lie, which the party imposed, if all the records told the same tale, then the lie passed into history and became truth”.
Authoritarianism relies on a salient point; that we have reached the end of the intellectual journey. If we have reached the summit of the mountain of progress then all other views are forbidden. If we have reached the top then there is nowhere left to go. As the new world order that is being imposed on us seems to be more and more anti-intellectual as symbolised by the Trans movement (with no basis in science, sterilising gay children and mutilating bodies beyond repair using medication used to treat prostate cancer), those suggesting that maybe we are wrong or unable to move in a different direction are silenced to the point where dissenting intellectuals are denied research grants or places in universities to prove or give intellectual credence to another point of view.
Here we are now; at the precipice of civilisation. We have a political class with the least amount of popular legitimacy, we have a media class unable to cover the worst kind of stories fearing it could denigrate the message, we have a corporate class able to make someone a non-person by denying them access to capitalism and a livelihood, we have a law and order class that has given up on protecting the public in favour of special interest groups.
We don’t just have two-tier policing, we have a two-tier society.
All of this does NOT mean that violence is acceptable. It means that the case for civil disobedience has never been stronger. The case for antagonism has never been greater. And as communities react again and again in a community arms-race much like that which took place between 1906-1914, the likelihood of violent confrontation increases. Roving gangs of British, Muslim, Far-Left, Far-Right and others gather as we speak with their respective flags and if the elite class don’t bend to the concern of law and order soon then they will quickly see themselves as irrelevant. Hundreds of people are being arrested and tried. But the cells can only hold so many people and as the Labour Party release thousands of convicted prisoners and replace those numbers with political dissidents authoritarianism will run out of space, and if we see concentration camps arise we know that the end is nigh; Britain will not tolerate it to the slightest.
Be clear with what you are seeing, dear reader. It is authoritarianism that has been a long time coming. It has happened in stealth, but now it is in the open; the Labour Party have revealed it in its gruesome and awesome power. The Tories hid it because they called themselves ‘conservative’. Now the charade is over and the Starm-troopers are out in force. Hundreds of arrests, the petulance of the head of the London Police, the fuming of the Home Secretary, all symbolic hallmarks of authoritarian forces organising against the people.
It’s a scary development but it was, like all things in history, inevitable. Let us hope that the elite class gives in, because the people won’t.
True democracy must win against the technocratic and bureaucratic authoritarianism that rules us now. The Prime Minister must be resisted in his fight against ‘populism’ - the people. They must see that people will not go back into their politically-correct benign observer boxes. They must address the concerns. The deaths of kids, the assaults on British culture, the mass rape gangs, the suppression of speech, the green obsession, the mass migration, must end. Now.
If not, all bets are off, and that would be much, much worse.
This article first appeared on the TDL Times. For more information, articles and more please visit